about a game..., Board Gaming, Family Gaming, Guest Posters

Worldbuilding takes a new turn

Editor’s Note: Today’s installment is brought to you by Pretty Sneaky, Sis field correspondent Chris Hodges. Welcome to the team, Chris!

“For variety of mere nothings gives more pleasure than uniformity of something.”  – Jean Paul Richter

Heroica: Desert of Despair

As a gamer and a parent, let me tell you that family games are tough. You always have access to those musty standbys

(Uno, SORRY, etc.) They vary wildly in inclusiveness, replay value, pace and strategic options. Not to bash them (I still think Monopoly is a solid enough game, in its way) but they indisputably lack a sheen and freshness, and I think that without that, analog gaming tends to pale in comparison to the digital alternatives available to families. Continue reading